Dennis Firmansjah MM

Dennis Firmansjah MM, who had been dedicating his 27 years work experience in finance industry is the prime mover of this company.
He started his career from the lowest position in 1983, gradually promoted and achieved a Directorship in 1991, and he became a CEO of a finance company in 1998, and successfully turned around a "bankrupt" finance company to a going concern in a relatively very short of time.
His acumen to being able to solve various problem accounts and difficult organizational situations has enriched his achievements.

Eliezer Hernawan Hardjo Ph.D. CM

Has a long and extensive experiences as an executive in several and major national and international corporations such as SC. Johnson & Sons, Salim & Indofood Group and Nestle; his last position before his retirement in 2008 was the CEO / President Director of a JV Company between the Nestle and Indofood Groups.
In his more than 30 years of professional career he has been working from middle to top management positions in the various managerial functions such as sales, distribution, marketing, manufacturing and general management.
He has successfully managed a transition in M & A process and also starting and developed new businesses within the conglomeration of the said group of companies.

Roy Simanjuntak

Roy Simanjuntak graduated from the University of Indonesia majoring accounting in 1996. After this, he pursued his Master in Management degree at the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in 2001. In 2007, he received his Certified Management Accountant certification from Australia. Roy has been active in the capital market. He has passed all the capital market exams such as: WPPE, WPEE & WMI. Also to this, Roy worked for a German and Japanese investment management firm. He worked with international and national companies. Right now, he is actively engaged in acquisition initiative and intermediary in the financial sector.

TM. Mangunsong SH

Our Principal is Senior Partner who will assist us in any legal matters involving our Clients needs and their counterpart.
He has practiced as a lawyer since 2001 helping commercial and non-commercial institutions with a successful track record.
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Phone :
+ 62 21 7179 3473

Mobile Phone
+62 816747649
+62 81513203415

DF Solusi Consulting
Kemang Point Building,
2nd Floor, 2-03B1
Jalan Kemang Raya No. 3
Jakarta Selatan 12730
